6th Grade Man Talk

Marriage and Family

Dewater 4

“Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying…” Joshua 1:10

“Dad, we need to talk…”

A few days ago, my youngest son walked into the room and said, “Dad, now that I’m in 6


grade, we should have another man talk.”
I have made it a practice to sit down with my boys as they enter into new seasons of their life to prepare them as best as I can for what’s ahead. These talks include things like: their relationship with God, how to treat girls, how to protect their eyes and heart from lust, sex, what God’s view of real manhood is, and more.

After God spoke to Joshua, Joshua went to his leaders. Joshua helped his leaders be prepared for what was ahead. Just as Joshua helped his leaders understand what was ahead. Parents need to help their kids know what is ahead in LIFE! Life is not easy. Life can be hurtful. Life is


all about me!

Parents, help your kids by talking to them about the Most Important Things in LIFE! They really do care about what you have to say, especially when you back it up with your actions!

Your actions are just as important as your words!

I haven’t always said everything in the right way. I haven’t always had those talks at exactly the right moments. But trying to be intentional about helping our kids be successful is what matters.

Be intentional about the most important areas of your life!

Since my son has said he wants to talk, I need to be intentional about making time to connect with him.

Who needs your extra attention right now?

Have a Great Week!

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